Category Archives: Belly


Nature is abundance

Gardening is one of the best hobbies. Even with a not so green finger there are enough plants that just love to grow no matter what. One seed into the earth, some care-taking and whoooop hundreds of seeds or leaves or fruits or flowers. Some snapshots of the last season.

IMG_4576-0.JPGSalad from beet root and zucchini with borretsch and nasturtium (Kapuzinerkresse) flowers

IMG_4675-1.JPGFire beans



Porridge with red currant and blackberry – great jams too.

IMG_4505.JPGSunflower seeds – pure or roasted

IMG_4397.JPGApples and pears in all shapes and tastes.

IMG_4504-0.JPGBlackberries and red currants. Fire beans and tasty wild tomatoes (green & yellow)

IMG_4370.JPGwhite, black and red currant. red and green gooseberry.

IMG_4369.JPGherb pesto and nasturtium.

IMG_3198.JPGthe tastiest radish ever

IMG_3524.JPGflowers as gifts, for teas, for bees or just for the eye and nose


Tsampa – Tibetian Porrigde


Feeling experimental for breakfast? Try making some tsampa!

This roasted, ground barley porridge is tasty, filling and can be eaten sweet or savoury. You start by soaking and rinsing the barley grains. Then you dry them on a cloth or in the oven. Now roasting it in a fry pan (without oil) is the fun part, it just smells great. Once the air is all nutty and the barley slightly roasted it is ready to be ground. I use a coffee grinder and it is rather coarse. The tsampa you can buy in health food shops is very fine however I like the coarseness. Now the traditional way is to have tsampa with black tea, butter and some salt. I prefer it with hot water & fruit or olive oil & herbs like rosemary or thyme. It really depends on what I feel like or have around the house.

This is also a great food to take camping – nutritiousness, filling and tasty. Tibetans take it up the mountains when hiking and more often than just for breakfast. Here are some great thoughts on the art of eating tsampa

Enjoy your journey to Tibet in your own kitchen!

Chickpeas and Kale in a Curry

curried chickpeas and kale

Chickpeas and Kale in a Curry make for a beautiful winter dish – Very satisfying and nurturing!

Immune system booster kale and protein-rich chickpeas combined are a match made in taste bud heaven. Garam Masala, ginger and garlic add the perfect spicyness. I added tomatoes for taste and look and some paprica spice also. This can be served with rice, millet or in a pita bread.

Here is the basic recipe:
