Tag Archives: observation

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Nature is Inspiration: Observation

In this series I would like to reflect on nature as a source of inspiration. There is diversity and abundance in nature – daily creation and transformation – in cycles, in motion, in patterns. Nature provides food for the belly but also food for thoughts.

 Nature is a magical muse

Observing the ocean your mind drifts away staring at the water. 

observingReflecting on the past, planing for the future: Was that the right decision? Where should I go next? The sound of the waves brings your attention back to this very moment – The present. The salty smell of the ocean blows away all thoughts and clears the mind. Focusing on the breath, on the moment.

Taking time and focusing on the moment are key to observation. To hear, see, smell and feel a place from different sides. With no rush or to-do-lists pending.

Observation is like a meditation on nature

A meditation requires patience but is rewarding. Especially with nature as a mediator. Sensing the elements has grounding effects letting go of fears and worries. What does really matter?

In meditation mind and body can be connected by observing the breath. With this aware, clear and focused mind new combinations of the old can arise – Ideas are born.