Category Archives: Tyres


Auf Fahrradschleuchen sitzend

Auf dem Weg von der Markthalle Neun in Kreuzberg nach Hause, fand ich diesen Bambus-Hocker. Ein Loch in seiner Mitte, heimatlos am Straßenrand. Schnell noch in den lokalen Fahrradladen, die Tagesration kaputter Fahrradschleuche mitnehmen, und schon war ein neuer Bezug erdacht. Vom löchrigen Bast befreit, ließ sich der zerschnitten Schlauch leicht um den Bambus wickeln, unten zuknoten und in mehreren Streifen weben – fertig der neue Sitzhocker. Ob man damit wohl sportlich hockern kann? IMG_4353.JPG IMG_5398.JPG IMG_5400.JPG

tyre bag

Upcycled tyre bags

Old bicycle tyres are great for upcycling. With a sewing machine they quickly are turned into a useful little bag – a perfect present for yourself and others. It can be a simple phone protection case or a bag for jewellery or a torch. Just be careful with your sewing machine. The lower thread needs to be widened much more than for clothes material. You can do that on the little screw of the case that your lower thread is usually living in.

The pictures below give some design inspiration where also the opening and closing mechanism is from recycled material. The blue band is looped through holes created with a paper punch. The white cord with the plug is from a broken headset cable and was a present for my best techie friend. The last picture shows a bum bag where the upper part is open for a belt to fit through.

The main thing that makes upcycled tyres look special is using colourful thread and unique closing mechanisms. Make use of what you have around.

upcycled tyre bag IMG_3620 IMG_3608 IMG_3609IMG_3228IMG_3361IMG_3365bum bag from upcycled tyre